Go Get A Real Job…

Ethan Wong
2 min readMar 21, 2021

Has someone ever told you: “Being an artist, writer or designer [insert any job title] is cool. But, go get a real job?”

“Being an artist, writer, or designer [insert any job title] is cool. But, go get a real job?”

I know I have. And here are my 2 cents.

The digital world has made it entirely possible to accrue a decent amount of wealth by doing things you genuinely love and turning it into a career.

We’re living in a permissionless economy today.

Your career success relies heavily on your own determination to make things work (on your own free will). So whether you love doodling comics or making origami, you can leverage on plenty of platforms today to showcase your talent, distribute your work, and gain attention.

Of course, traction takes time to build. Hindrances to your success are caused mainly by the constraints of time and societal pressure.

On Societal Pressure: If you listen to what everyone around you is telling you, you’re not forming your own opinions. This can be a recipe for unhappiness. At the very core of things, we value our freedom more than the accumulation of financial assets.

To truly achieve freedom in life, you have to make your own decisions. When it comes to career choices, it’s better to feel lost than to feel controlled. You can start by choosing something you think you’re naturally better at. Then nurture that skill until you become ‘so good they can’t ignore you.’

And if you’re not 100% certain it’s something you want to immerse yourself in: In your search for the ideal career path, the answers don’t come to you immediately.

You have to start with experimentation. Only then can you start connecting the dots of past projects and gigs. You can validate your beliefs and make better decisions for yourself moving forward.

But if you find yourself deeply immersed in something particular, focus on maximizing outcomes by learning, trying, and improving as much as possible in that skill.

By making learning your number #1 priority, you can eventually hone your craft and create a business out of virtually anything.

Remember: Hindrances to your success are caused mainly by the constraints of time and societal pressure.



Ethan Wong

Unshakable optimist. I love the idea of tying words together to create a story. Copywriter | Online Marketer.