The Idea Of Things

Ethan Wong
2 min readFeb 18, 2021

Are you enjoying the idea of something more than the thing itself?

Falling in love with the idea of someone, or something? Photo by Averie Woodard on Unsplash.

We don’t really want to earn a million dollars. Some of us just like the idea of being able to spend that amount of money.

We don’t really want a condo in New York City. It’s way too hectic and busy. Some of us just like the idea of being in a new environment, starting fresh with a nice Lauv song in the background.

We don’t really want 6-pack abs. Too many dietary requirements. Some of us just really like the idea of being physically attractive whenever we take our shirt off.

We don’t really want to own a swimming pool at home. Probably end up talking about it more than we use it. Some of us just like the idea of chilling by the pool with a drink & celebrating the occasional Instagram shitposting.

We don’t really want love. Some of us just wish for companionship to fill the void. We like the idea of having someone be there for us when we’re emotional.

The point is: We should take a step back to ask ourselves - Do we enjoy the idea of things more than the very thing itself?

There are plenty of things that look good when we have don’t have them within our reach. When we do, it’ll be cool for a second. And then, the thrill is over. We’re instantly on to our next needs and wants.

Maybe everybody should be able to get everything they want in life. Only then might they realize there is plenty more that this life has to offer other than a bucket list filled with unattainable desires.



Ethan Wong

Unshakable optimist. I love the idea of tying words together to create a story. Copywriter | Online Marketer.